山海伏妖录好玩吗 山海伏妖录玩法简介

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2016-08-13 17:51



《山海伏妖录》华丽的战斗场景, 荡气回肠的爱情故事… 绝不能错过的ARPG大作! 回到远古时代, 把人类从浩劫中拯救回来吧! 太古, 洪荒之世。十六年前一场惊天剧变, 共工暴起发难, 虽动乱终被平息, 但天柱已折, 地维方绝, 洪水泛滥, 妖兽肆虐。虽然伏羲王崩, 幸有女娲氏立, 炼石补天, 伏妖平乱。十六年后, 一切似已归于平静, 但真正的危机却在酝酿之中… · 召唤妖魂战斗 击败并捕捉旅途中重重妖兽, 以妖魂形式让你召唤、附身、施法、炼造更强大的妖魂以及锻造更强力的武器。 · 元素属性系统 三大元素火、水、木 -- 利用属性相克, 灵活设置装备, 战斗力大大提升。 · 庞大冒险地图 共有50多个地图任你闯荡, 还有丰富的支线任务等你探索。 · 成就系统 48个成就让你发掘──达成目标以外, 还有魂石和金钱奖励喔! · 游戏图鉴 全部道具、妖魂及装备均能搜集于图鉴之中, 在二周能继承收集了的图鉴, 装备与妖魂, 发掘更多结局。 · 修罗场系统 刷怪刷怪再刷怪, 练等级赚钱就靠修罗场囉! 在打boss前后, 好好练等级才能轻松战胜啊~ 有人能打过12级修罗场吗? 【修改说明】独家首发!得到任意金币和玉石即为666666个!


山海伏妖录好玩吗 山海伏妖录玩法简介

山海伏妖录好玩吗 山海伏妖录玩法简介

山海伏妖录好玩吗 山海伏妖录玩法简介

山海伏妖录好玩吗 山海伏妖录玩法简介

山海伏妖录好玩吗 山海伏妖录玩法简介



In this dynamic fantasy action game, your heroic adventure will see you battle with demons, mastering their demonic powers through their souls! Guide Thunder, who turns from a simple young fisherman to a legendary hero, through this epic journey, as he discovers secrets in this immersing fantasy world, which will help him save the realms of humans and demons! GAME FEATURES: - Classic styled ARPG! - Quests filled with adventure, mysteries and real-time epic battles! - Unleash demonic attacks through casting and summoning spells! - Level up and customize your character’s attributes! - Dialogue choices that will unlock one of the multiple endings! - Demon horde mode arena! - Demonic Elemental System! - Customize 60 weapons and armor with demonic powers! - Over 40 Achievements that earn rewards! - Over 50 maps to explore! - Daily rewards! - Demon Field Journal! - Intuitive controls for easy to understand game play! Real-time Battles There’s no time to blink with demons attacking you from every corner! Move and fight off hordes of demons with your normal attack, or charge up your ultimate combo and lay waste to the foul creatures! Cast demonic auras, attack and summoning spells too! Demon souls Demon souls can be taken from those you defeated. Cast demonic auras, attack and summoning spells, imbue equipment with demonic abilities, as well as create new breeds of demons by merging various demon souls! Multiple Endings Many hours of replay value through item hunts, side quests, demon soul hunts and unlocking the multiple endings! Demon Horde Mode Unlock this demon battling arena, where you will have timed battles with various levels of demons! What better way to test your mantle while leveling up your character? Demonic Elemental System There’re three demonic elements: fire, wood and water that counteract each other. This makes forging your equipment and demonic spells strategically dynamic and vital to succeed in battles. Daily Rewards Log in every day to get daily rewards including: gold coins, soulstones and epic items! (*** requires 3G/WIFI connection) Demon Field Journal As you capture demon souls, your demon field journal will be updated with information about them. Use it to find out the best way to smite your enemies! Lakoo Official Website http://lakoo.com DemonSouls Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/demonsouls.en Our Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/lakoogames http://twitter.com/lakoogames Help & Support: http://forum.lakoo.com/hc/en-us/categories/201136223-DemonSouls[详情]