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《瑰雪黑阳RWBY》角色养成攻略 角色怎样养成
发布时间:2019-01-24 22:38瑰雪黑阳RWBY》角色怎么养成瑰雪黑阳RWBY改编自同名首创收集动画的横版行动类游戏,它有着爽直刺激的战斗作风,以邪术与科技交错为天下背景。内里有着差别的脚色,那末这些脚色是怎样来养成的呢接下来小编就来给大伙详述一下《瑰雪黑阳:RWBY》脚色养成攻略吧这篇也就说下怎样晋升自己的脚...[详情]
《瑰雪黑阳RWBY》预约方法介绍 预约地址分享
发布时间:2019-01-24 22:14瑰雪黑阳》怎么预约瑰雪黑阳RWBY改编自同名首创收集动画的横版行动类游戏,它有着爽直刺激的战斗作风,以邪术与科技交错为天下背景。有很多玩家不晓得它是怎样预定,不要焦急,接下来小班来告知大伙的预定方式,一块来看看吧1、间接进入官网停止预定2、进中能够停止试玩游戏亮点1、极致的3D画...[详情]
瑰雪黑阳角色大全 角色技能介绍
发布时间:2019-01-24 03:55瑰雪黑阳角色大全 角色技能介绍瑰雪黑阳全角色技能属性效果详解汇总冷静聪慧、沉默寡言,气质冷艳,对许多事都是旁观者与吐槽者的态度。身手敏捷利落,使用如同残影一般的速度和特殊的移动能力来进行高速战斗,也善用观察情况并灵活运用武器于战术之中。容易度技能速度:快技能介绍1.以劈砍、削、刺...[详情]
瑰雪黑阳RWBY角色培养攻略 角色战力提升方法
发布时间:2019-01-23 15:38瑰雪黑阳RWBY角色培养攻略 角色战力提升方法瑰雪黑阳RWBY里的角色应该如何快速发展呢?一般的玩家肯定都是跟着剧情任务走的,这样的发展的速度偏慢,下面小编来告诉大家快速发展角色的技巧瑰雪黑阳RWBY角色养成攻略 快速提升角色技巧瑰雪黑阳RWBY角色养成攻略 快速提升角色技巧这篇...[详情]
手把手教你玩转《RWBY》测试 来愉快地盘戮兽吧!
发布时间:2019-01-22 13:43明明什么都没做,就离开服只有一天了,赶紧来康康本次测试有什么亮点吧~~ 本次测试的新内容可是满满当当的,除了肉眼可见的整体UI全面优化,美美哒新时装,在战斗体验等细节上也有很多调整哦~毕竟是最终试炼了,我们这次将为大家呈现不少干货 划重点,这次测试时间是:1.23日具体时...[详情]
发布时间:2019-01-17 11:45大家都知道R、W、B、Y是个小队的名字,由四个战力爆表、性格各异的小姐姐组成。小队作为猎人小队,单个的成员无疑都拥有着和戮兽战斗的超强实力,但对于初出茅庐的猎人来说,仅仅是单独作战是不够的。 而很多猎人,尤其是尚处于学生时代的准猎人们,由于没有十足的把握猎杀强大的戮兽,也为...[详情]
发布时间:2019-01-15 12:00大家都知道R、W、B、Y是个小队的名字,由四个战力爆表、性格各异的小姐姐组成。 在小队所在的树不子世界中,由于一种没有灵魂的、被叫做称作 “ 毁灭的生物”和“空寂之具现”的生物戮兽的肆虐,威胁到人类的生存。 戮兽在人类城镇之外的地方,基本上可以说是十分猖狂。 以至于在主...[详情]
发布时间:2019-01-10 15:39大家都知道R、W、B、Y是个小队的名字,由四个战力爆表、性格各异的小姐姐组成。 如果要追溯队的成立,则不得不提到的一个地方就是咱们游戏开屏载入界面里可以看到的 信标学院这是RWBY的四人,命运开始交汇的地方 说起信标学院这地方,就不得不提咱们的信标学院四大天王划掉老师们...[详情]
发布时间:2019-01-03 14:46年龄:17 性别:女 战斗风格: 使用绰号灰烬天堂(Ember Celica)的金黄色的臂铠霰弹枪,平时折叠成手镯形态,战斗时可迅速展开。开火时巨大的反冲力可以让Yang加速或高高跳起。Vytal节事变后,更换为个人标志性黄色涂装的机械义肢,保留了左手武器。Yang...[详情]
发布时间:2019-01-02 12:36由盛大游戏、bilibili联合发行的正版授权多人共斗动作手游》在ChinaJoy上首次亮相之后,不仅在动画粉丝中备受瞩目,因其激燃的连招,爽快的打击感和绚丽的动作画面,也一直备受动作类手游玩家们的期待。前情提要 《RWBY》的养成线具有极高的自由度,玩家可以通过高自由度的...[详情]
Brought to you by Hangame and Rooster Teeth Animation, RWBY: Amity Arena transforms your mobile device into a Scroll connected to the Cross Continental Tranit System, so you can play with friends all across the globe! Inspired by Remnant: The Board Game, RWBY: Amity Arena takes Remnant by storm as the first Scroll game of its kind. Influences from the Remnant’s favorite board game can be seen with the mixed cast of Grimm, Atlesian Technology, but with an added twist of up and coming Hunten and Huntresses that have made the roster for the next Vytal Festival. CHOOSE YOUR HUNTEN Pick any Hunten or Huntress from Vale, Mistral, Atlas or Vacuo! Each with unique Dust-infused abilities, semblances, and weapons, and pit your teams against your fellow Academy members in friendly matches before taking on opponents in real-time to climb the ranking ladders! FIGHT IN THE TOURNAMENT Compete against other academies and teams to climb to the top of the leaderboard! With your favorite units and characters, prove your prowess on a global stage. Mix and match Creatures of Grimm, famous Hunten, members of the White Fang, or Atlesian military to supplement your team! EXPERIENCE THE WORLD OF REMNANT From the frozen peaks of Atlas to the courtyard in front of Beacon Academy, battle your team against other players around the globe... around the globe! Unlock new Arenas and locations in Remnant, build a solid deck of characters, and craft brilliant strategies of your own! CUSTOMIZE YOUR DECK Collect dozens of cards of your favorite characters from the RWBY universe. Use their semblances and skills to fight against opponents, knocking out their units, and destroying their structures. Learn from friends and Academy mates the best tactics, strategies, skill timing, and high level plays to win every match! COMPETE AGAINST OTHER PLAYERS Real-time strategic duels means you go head-to-head against another human opponent. Use your wits and skills to outplay your opponent and destroy their buildings before they destroy yours! Discover the ability and utility of each card, and use them to turn the tables at the last second! Download RWBY: Amity Arena today! Follow @RWBYAmityArena on Facebook and Instagram and @RWBYAmityArena on Twitter for the latest news and updates! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: App Permissions ■ Access to Storage (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE / READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) We use this permission to save additional download and update files to your external storage, when necessary. ■ Access to Calls (READ_PHONE_STATE) We do not use this permission to make or access your calls! This permission is necessary in order to receive your device's and call service provider information to assist you when a problem with the game is found and reported to our Customer Service through the app. RWBY: Amity Arena is free to download and play, but some in-app currency and items can be purchased with real money. You must be at least 13 years of age to play or download RWBY: Amity Arena. Please check our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more details.[详情]