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发布时间:2019-04-25 17:29激燃爽斗,信仰之战,RWBY小队,再次出发。由Rooster Teeth正版授权,盛趣游戏和bilibili联合发行的手游《RWBY》,是一款改编自美国经典动漫作品《RWBY》的硬核横版格斗手游,其激燃爽快的格斗操作和炫丽动作画面,吸引了众多手游玩家的关注。硬核格斗,百万猎人集结...[详情]
发布时间:2019-04-25 16:32四个字母,四种颜色,四位个性分明的主角,美国原创网络动画《RWBY》在2013年以这种极其简单的方式闯入了大众的视线之中,并狠狠的在人们的心里打下了动作视觉标杆的烙印。2018年由Rooster Teeth正版授权,老牌动作游戏厂商嬉皮士制作,盛趣游戏和bilibili联合发行的...[详情]
硬核催产 让《RWBY》快速上线的方法
发布时间:2019-04-24 15:59四个字母,四种颜色,四位个性分明的主角,美国原创网络动画《RWBY》在2013年以这种极其简单的方式闯入了大众的视线之中,并狠狠的在人们的心里打下了动作视觉标杆的烙印。2018年由Rooster Teeth正版授权,老牌动作游戏厂商嬉皮士制作,盛趣游戏和bilibili联合发行的...[详情]
《RWBY》Pyrrha Nikos登场
发布时间:2019-04-24 15:32激燃爽斗,信仰之战,RWBY小队,再次出发由Rooster Teeth正版授权,盛趣游戏和bilibili联合发行的《RWBY》手游。因其激燃爽快的格斗操作和炫丽动作画面,被众多硬核动作手游玩家所喜爱。 目前游戏仍在紧锣密鼓的研发阶段,今日官方爆料,《RWBY》中人气颇高的角色P...[详情]
发布时间:2019-04-24 15:23激燃爽斗,信仰之战,RWBY小队,再次出发。由Rooster Teeth正版授权,盛趣游戏和bilibili联合发行的手游《RWBY》,是一款改编自美国经典动漫作品《RWBY》的硬核横版格斗手游。《RWBY》手游除了拥有爽快的连招combo,精彩的打斗视效,也一直致力于与IP方的...[详情]
如此沙雕的《RWBY》小队 你有没有见过
发布时间:2019-04-08 12:23熟悉《RWBY》动画的人都知道,这是一部非常正统的奇幻冒险动画。《RWBY》原作中,为了剧情需要,是发了不少感人至深的刀子的 比如____ 不管是____ 还是____ 都非常的令人____ 在准备寄给RT的刀片的同时,你一定幻想过在某一个位面,《RWBY》中的各位角色们,能够...[详情]
发布时间:2019-03-21 16:09Atlas王国军方联合SDC正在秘密开发的一项新的科技ATS设备。这种大型科技装置能够制造一个极端的Aura战斗虚拟环境,该环境装置需要消耗大量的Dust才能启动和维持运行。ATS允许在一个虚拟环境中重现人物、戮兽或机械的战斗过程,并且支持若干个参与者加入虚拟战斗环境进行互动式体...[详情]
RWBY手游 BOSS档案——Adam篇
发布时间:2019-03-17 02:501.角色档案Adam Taurus,是RWBY全剧第一个登场的反面角色。是弗纳人组织:白牙中一名地位较高的成员。他的脸蒙着一个带点日风的戮兽面具,头发是暗红色的,一对黑色的牛角从额头两边向头顶延伸而出。Adam是白牙中相当激进的存在。他坚信人类是劣等种族,而弗纳人是优等种族,必须...[详情]
瑰雪黑阳RWBY什么时候上线? 4月份或可期待
发布时间:2019-02-28 20:06瑰雪黑阳RWBY什么时候上线? 4月份或可期待这款游戏相信大家也是或多或少的听说过了,那么游戏也是完美的延续了原作动漫的剧情内容,同时四个主角妹子当然是一起登上了游戏的舞台,围绕全新机密的设备ATS展开了一系列的激情动作手游,游戏也是主打热血激情的战斗,凭借爽快的打击感和流畅连招...[详情]
发布时间:2019-02-20 18:56个人资料 姓名:Pyrrha Nikos 年龄:17 性别:女 所属团体:JNPR队 Pyrrha Nikos,官方设定年青一代最强三人之一,一名红色头发、翡翠色眼睛的少女。被许多人称为天才,太过优秀而孤独。为人谦逊低调,善良正直。即使被赋予拯救世界的宿命,仍然奋不顾身献出自我。...[详情]
Brought to you by Hangame and Rooster Teeth Animation, RWBY: Amity Arena transforms your mobile device into a Scroll connected to the Cross Continental Tranit System, so you can play with friends all across the globe! Inspired by Remnant: The Board Game, RWBY: Amity Arena takes Remnant by storm as the first Scroll game of its kind. Influences from the Remnant’s favorite board game can be seen with the mixed cast of Grimm, Atlesian Technology, but with an added twist of up and coming Hunten and Huntresses that have made the roster for the next Vytal Festival. CHOOSE YOUR HUNTEN Pick any Hunten or Huntress from Vale, Mistral, Atlas or Vacuo! Each with unique Dust-infused abilities, semblances, and weapons, and pit your teams against your fellow Academy members in friendly matches before taking on opponents in real-time to climb the ranking ladders! FIGHT IN THE TOURNAMENT Compete against other academies and teams to climb to the top of the leaderboard! With your favorite units and characters, prove your prowess on a global stage. Mix and match Creatures of Grimm, famous Hunten, members of the White Fang, or Atlesian military to supplement your team! EXPERIENCE THE WORLD OF REMNANT From the frozen peaks of Atlas to the courtyard in front of Beacon Academy, battle your team against other players around the globe... around the globe! Unlock new Arenas and locations in Remnant, build a solid deck of characters, and craft brilliant strategies of your own! CUSTOMIZE YOUR DECK Collect dozens of cards of your favorite characters from the RWBY universe. Use their semblances and skills to fight against opponents, knocking out their units, and destroying their structures. Learn from friends and Academy mates the best tactics, strategies, skill timing, and high level plays to win every match! COMPETE AGAINST OTHER PLAYERS Real-time strategic duels means you go head-to-head against another human opponent. Use your wits and skills to outplay your opponent and destroy their buildings before they destroy yours! Discover the ability and utility of each card, and use them to turn the tables at the last second! Download RWBY: Amity Arena today! Follow @RWBYAmityArena on Facebook and Instagram and @RWBYAmityArena on Twitter for the latest news and updates! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: App Permissions ■ Access to Storage (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE / READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) We use this permission to save additional download and update files to your external storage, when necessary. ■ Access to Calls (READ_PHONE_STATE) We do not use this permission to make or access your calls! This permission is necessary in order to receive your device's and call service provider information to assist you when a problem with the game is found and reported to our Customer Service through the app. RWBY: Amity Arena is free to download and play, but some in-app currency and items can be purchased with real money. You must be at least 13 years of age to play or download RWBY: Amity Arena. Please check our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more details.[详情]