Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码 Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码领取地址

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2018-12-27 12:09

      Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team即将震撼上线,各路小伙伴已经摩拳擦掌准备进入游戏先爽一番啦,但是作为手游“老司机”的你知道在哪里领Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码吗?别急,果盘小编早就为大家准备好了Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team的礼包兑换码,要想在开服之初领先别人一步?还在等什么,快看下面小编为大家准备的Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码领取地址和领取方法吧!

      首先为大家介绍一下Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team这款热门手游!

      The all-new Captain Tsubasa (aka Flash Kicker) football game is now available! Pick your favourite football players, create your own unique dream team, and battle it out against other users from around the world! You are the manager of your own dream team! Incredible Special Skills for that authentic "Captain Tsubasa" experience! Tsubasa Ozora's Drive Shot... Kojiro Hyuga's Tiger Shot... All the different special skills from the original series are recreated in stunning 3D! You won't want to miss the character cut-ins and voices, either! Intense Matches The game controls are optimized for smartphones, creating a smooth, intuitive, and stress-free play experience! Compete with other teams to become master of the pitch and conquer the world of football! Re-experience the original story in Story Mode! Experience the thrill of the original series once more in Story Mode! Take yourself back to Tsubasa's middle school days and relive some nostalgic memories! Team Editing Your players, team formation, kit, and so forth can all be freely customized, allowing you to create your own completely unique dream team! Power up your players! Train your players and power them up! It's also possible to transfer special skills between the same character! Use your powered-up players to develop your own original strategies, then use them to show your rivals what you're made of! Captain Tsubasa is originally a Japanese football manga which has influenced many real-life football players around the world including famous star players and football legends. Enjoy Captain Tsubasa in multiplayer football game!

      接下来就是大家期待已久的Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码领取地址!

      第一步:在果盘Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team专区的右上方游戏信息部分,点击红色按钮“领取礼包”:

      第二步:进入Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码专区,在礼包列表处点击想要的礼包或者激活码;

      第三步:进入Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码详情页,在点击领取按钮就可以领到礼包激活码啦!如下图所示。

      但是大家要注意哦,不是所有游戏都有礼包激活码,有些游戏呢因为合作的关系,果盘游戏还没拿到对应的礼包激活码,但是大家不要慌,我们会尽力为大家争取更多的Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team礼包激活码!


      除了果盘专区可以领礼包激活码,果盘小组也经常会有发放礼包激活码的活动哦,详情请关注Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team小组

      以上就是果盘小编为大家带来的Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team的礼包激活码领取地址和领取方法啦,要玩Captain Tsubasa: Dream Team的各位手游玩家不要错过哦,还有更多手游礼包激活码请关注果盘游戏礼包中心

