逃离方块剧院游戏彩蛋是什么 游戏彩蛋内容一览
首先在调酒柜里调上2份Gin,再调上2份tonic制成金汤尼鸡尾酒,把它给吧台上的男人喝,喝完之后通过四季里女人的那个场景,此时男人离开吧台,在吧台上可以看见3个代币,翻开代币的反面,它们的背面全写上了字。重点看第3个代币,后面有一个可以在钢琴上弹的大写短语BAD EGG,按它弹奏完毕时哈维会从旁边的小洞里出来,点击它会播放女人喜欢的乐曲并且它还会叫13声,它叫的次数与女人喜欢的乐曲是有关联的,会用在某个地方。
Welcome to the theatre of your mind. Tonight we have an engaging program, featuring a familiar cast. Fulfill all 6 plays in order to continue your journey. Tap on the arrows to navigate inside the cube. Interact with objects by tapping. Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them. Cube Escape: Theatre is the eighth episode of the Cube Escape series and is a continuation of the Rusty Lake story. We will unfold Rusty Lake mysteries one step at a time. So check RustyLake.com every day for new content! Like, follow and subscribe: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rustylakecom Twitter: https://twitter.com/rustylakecom Mailing list: http://eepurl.com/bhphw1[详情]