《精灵宝可梦 Lets Go 皮卡丘/伊布》e3试玩图文分析 值得入手吗?

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2018-06-14 12:48
今天 九游和大家讲解《 精灵宝可梦 Lets Go 皮卡丘/伊布》e3试玩图文分析 值得入手吗?

相信很家都知道此次e3展上精灵宝可梦 Let's Go!皮卡丘/伊布提供了游戏的试玩,那这次试玩又将给我们带来怎么样的惊喜呢?今天小编就给大家准备了“宸轩Timo”分享的精灵宝可梦Lets Go皮卡丘伊布e3试玩图文分析,让我们一起来了解下这次试玩内容吧。



《精灵宝可梦 Lets Go 皮卡丘/伊布》e3试玩图文分析 值得入手吗?

在这次Let‘s Go中,梦幻的获取方式就是通过购买精灵球plus外设,玩家在PokemonGo中获得的梦幻是无法带到Let‘s Go里的。


精灵宝可梦手机游戏ios版是一款卡牌玩法的宠物对战游戏,游戏中玩家可以收集各种各样的神奇宝贝来进行培养,每个宠物都有其特定的特殊能力,你需要发掘它们的潜力,才能获得更强大的力量喔! 精灵宝可梦手机游戏特色: 1、经典的宠物回合制RPG手游。 2、数百种耳熟能详的萌宠等你搜集! 3、超大的探险地图多达上百张。 4、怀旧的战斗模式让你热血澎湃。 5、宠物技能自由切换搭配,捕捉、孵化、进化专属于你的最强神兽! 6、无限可能,尽在口袋妖怪! 精灵宝可梦更新日志: 版本:v2.37.1  日期:2016年06月27日 GAMEPLAY - A deck or discard pile search that includes different types of cards is now completed in a single selection popup, rather than a separate popup for each card type. - A status effect indicator now appears next to the avatar of a player affected by a status effect.  DECK MANAGER - The deck validation window now checks for cards that are not legal in the selected format, rather than cards that are only legal in the selected format. - Decks in the Theme Decks tab are now consistently ordered chronologically by release date. PROFILE - A more detailed description of an active Challenge’s completion requirements can be viewed by clicking an Info button next to that Challenge. SHOP - Booster packs and theme decks have been split into separate tabs. - The contents of a theme deck can now be viewed by selecting the View Deck option. - The info popup for booster packs now includes a shortcut to view the full expansion in the Collection. TUTORIAL - Improved the ovERAll pacing of the tutorial. - Reduced the tutorial from 7 matches to 5 matches. BUG FIXES - A number of known bugs have been addressed. For the complete list of bug fixes, please visit the Official Pokémon TCG Online Forums at http://forums.pokemontcg.com. Tags: 精灵宝可梦手机游戏精灵宝可梦ios版精灵宝可梦[详情]