瘦长鬼影:起源2(Origins II Free)是BIGZUR开发的一款冒险类游戏。 瘦长鬼影:起源2(Origins II Free)的官方介绍 瘦长鬼影:起源2(Slender Man Origins 2 Saga)是一款恐怖冒险游戏。是《瘦长鬼影:起源 Slender Man Origins》的续作。 游戏的主人公Slender Man外观是一个没有五官、身形瘦长,穿西装打领带的男人,据说他可以随意改变身形伸缩手臂,背后有触手状的肢体,喜欢出没在多雾的街道或树林以隐匿自己,小孩子比较容易看见他……这款游戏就是让人沉浸在一种神秘和恐怖的氛围中,探索黑暗的走廊,潮湿的大厅,茂密的森林以及空旷的大街。
The Best Horror Quest Game is Here! The most anticipated Slender Man Origins game! ********************************************* Install all our Slenderman games: Slender Man Origins 1 (Lost Kids): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roonto.horror_free Slender Man Origins 2 Saga (Horror Quest): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigzur.slendermansaga.free Slender Man Origins 3 (Abandoned School) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigzur.slenderiiifree Slender Man Hide & Seek Online Multiplayer Game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigzur.slender4 ********************************************* Meet Slender Man Origins 2 Saga! What makes our game so special?: - Plot: Enjoy the feeling of standing in the middle of a mysterious, intriguing story! - Quest: Solve puzzles, overcome obstacles and piece together the whole story! - Atmosphere: Immerse yourself into an atmosphere of mystery and danger! The time has come to pursue the Slenderman once again, and this time it's personal - your daughter has been kidnapped. Your path lies through dark dungeons, catacombs and ancient ruins - and all of them are sure to contain a lot of mysteries and dangers. Your only weapon and defense shall be your wits and observing skills - not every door can be simply opened, and not a single corner or nook can really be safe. Explore the deepest reaches, reveal hidden secrets and learn new details about the events occurring around you. Danger lurks everywhere. Ancient halls guard their secrets well, and an unwary traveller can easily perish if he is not cautious enough. Remember, the Slenderman is watching you... - Large, detailed locations Exploring the main locations will take you quite a few hours. - Puzzles, locks and keys Doors, bars, walls and ancient mechanisms will hinder you, and often it won't be an easy task to open them. You'll be searching for required items, hidden switches or something more exotic. - Regularly updated journal On your way, you'll find notes left behind by different characters. Some have been written recently, and some a long time ago. They can contain clues to solving the riddles - or pieces of the story. - Atmospheric music Each location has its own set of tracks, immersing you even deeper into an atmosphere of mystery and danger. - Use the headphones! Sounds can help you find the right path. Many of them will warn you of danger - your ears will save your life more than a few times. - Awesome graphics Quality textures, improved lightning scheme, interactive objects. All the locations are filled with detail, game events are followed by various visuals - sometimes you'll just want to stop for a moment and stare at your surroundings. www.facebook.com/HorrorSlender www.slendermanorigins.com twitter.com/bigzurgames[详情]