- 攻略ticktock第三章玩03-04
ticktock第三章玩家一怎么通关 第三章通关技巧分享
发布时间:2021-03-04 22:07ticktock第三章怎么过?ticktock是一个冒险逃脱类手游,很家都不知道在ticktock第三章中如何让玩家一成功脱险。下面就是小编为大家带来的ticktock第三章玩家一通关攻略了,有兴趣的小伙伴们快来看看吧ticktock第三章怎么过主场景被换成了一座塔,可以看到有几...[详情]
Tick-Tock is a two-player minigame for your artphone. Need to solve an argument by throwing a coin or by playing rock, scissor, paper? Well now there's Tick-Tock!Each player has a part of the screen with two buttons, "Throw" or "Blow".One of the players starts with the bomb. The bomb will show its countdown the first few seconds and then only let the players know how much time until it blows every now and then.If a player presses "Blow" the countdown goes down by 1-2 seconds. The player that blows up loses.[详情]