
作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2015-08-28 18:58


进击的战争机器(Walking War Robots)是Pixonic LLC开发的一款动作类游戏。 进击的战争机器(Walking War Robots)的官方介绍 在 Walking War Robots 中参加爆炸性的多人史诗机器人战争!进入巨大战斗机器人的驾驶舱,用你的装甲巨人作战,消灭任何敢于挡在你面前的人。在 6 对 6 统治挑战中,在战场上和其他玩家组队。 你的战争机器人,你说了算 你会用远程大炮摧毁敌人,还是冲入敌阵,用近距离机关枪将他们消灭?在 Walking War Robots 中,一切都是你说了算。 功能 - 在战斗中试试所有 13 个强大的机器人。 - 在 17 种不同类型的武器中作出选择。 - 使用深度升级系统,从而提升机器人的火力、速度和 持久度。 - 在 6 对 6 多人玩家比赛中以令人眼花缭乱的战术 对付对手。 - 享受美丽的巨型战场 3D 画面! 勇士,你还在等什么呢?








Get Ready for the Holidays with Google Play's Festive Updates War Robots is an action-packed multiplayer game with 6 vs. 6 team battles in real-time! Join the ranks of the Metal Warriors! It's a time of war, pilot! Are you ready for surprise attacks, intricate tactical maneuvers and the many sneaky tricks your rivals have in store for you? Destroy enemy robots, capture all the beacons, and upgrade your weapons to increase combat strength, speed, and durability of your battle robot. Prove yourself in each map and use different strategies and tactics to emerge victorious from battle! MAIN FEATURES: – 39 battle robots with different strengths; – more than 40 weapon types, including ballistic missiles, energy and plasma guns. What will you choose? – many possible combinations of robots and weapons. Create a war machine to fit your own play style; – create your own clan and lead it to glorious victories; – join epic PvP battles against rivals from all over the world; – complete military tasks for bonuses and earn the Best Pilot title. Onward, soldier! Victory is yours! Want to talk about the game or find allies? Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warrobots/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WWR_by_Pixonic Watch new videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/WALKINGWARROBOTS Find all about WR on our Knowledge Base: http://faq.wwr.mobi/hc/en-us/ Important note: This application requires a stable internet connection. Enjoy the game![详情]