作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2018-05-18 09:48
今天 九游和大家讲解神界原罪2如何轻松击败欢乐堡门口敌人
Update After Release/正式版发售后的更新
Currently the hammer and mysterious people have increased significantly, and on the island there"s not switchposition magic, so difficulty increased a lot
I was to let my characters stand on the mast using the transport magic or scrolls, then put the pain chain on Dallis and try hit to dead
Dallis is undead so heal magic get useful, and transport other enemy to Dallis" ship to avoid fighting can reduce the difficulty.
神界:原罪2是一款魔幻风格的RPG手游,游戏的画面采用了非常精美华丽的画面风格,游戏拥有丰富的对战内容,玩家可以挑战不同的魔族进行战斗。 《神界:原罪2》的开发是基于《神界:原罪》和《神界:原罪加强版》的,这允许我们把精力都集中在游戏体验上,着手开始构建世界,并尝试各种各样的新东西。[详情]