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电力平衡第1关怎么过 电力平衡第1关通关攻略
发布时间:2018-03-21 16:11电力平衡第1关怎么过呢,很多小伙伴不知道这款益智游戏怎么玩,下面就一起来看看小编给大家带来的电力平衡第1关通关攻略吧。电力平衡第1关怎么过:电力平衡第1关怎么过 电力平衡第1关通关攻略这一关就是基础教学关之一,告诉大家如何分配电力。直接把左边的数字调到合适,就可以成功供电过关啦。...[详情]
电力平衡礼包领取大全 礼包和激活码预定攻略
发布时间:2016-06-04 16:59电力平衡已经震撼来袭各位小伙伴都准备好一起加入游戏愉快战斗了吗?如果想要在电力平衡中领先一步,就绝不可以错过任意一次激活码和礼包。九游提供了电力平衡丰富的装备、道具、材料、钻石、金币等丰富礼包,还有一测、二测、公测等各个测试阶段的电力平衡独家激活码给大家领取。那么电力平衡礼包和激...[详情]
Without electricity there is chaos. Balance is a free puzzle game about electricity and power grids. Your goal is to make sure there are no blackouts, that the power grids are functional, and that you always produce the right amount of power.The game offers many challenges you probably never thought about: - Did you know that the amount of power produced is changed all day and night to match the amount we use? - Did you know that there is a limit on how much power you can transmit through a single power line without it getting overloaded? - Did you know that an well-built power grid could have any one line disconnected without causing blackouts? You do not need any knowledge about electricity or power grids in order to enjoy this game. Balance is developed by Statnett, the system operator in the Norwegian energy system, and is based on real challenges they work with every day. Fixed a bug that let time pass while showing an ad[详情]