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King关闭Nonstop Games工作室 曾被3200万美元高价收购
发布时间:2016-10-29 16:39据外媒报道,暴雪旗下子公司King在近日关闭了其位于新加坡的移动开发工作室Nonstop Games,该公司曾被King公司以3200万美元的高价收购。King关闭Nonstop Games工作室 曾被3200万美元高价收购Nonstop Games最早由芬兰的开发商以Games...[详情]
Tired for looking for the best games in the Android market?Well, this app is your solution! Here you can find the best games for your Android device!Organized by categories, you can have direct access to the best games in Google Play!Categories: - Arcade & Action Games; - Brain & Puzzle Games - Cards & Casino Games; - Casual Games; - Racing Games; - Sports Games.Enjoy all the games you can play![详情]