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青鬼初代即将移植上架 不如先玩《青鬼2》去去暑
发布时间:2017-07-29 15:37还有这种操作前作尚未登录移动平台,反倒续作提前上演。知名日本恐怖游戏《青鬼》系列就是这么不走寻常路。近日,独立游戏开发商noprops曾经的经典代表作《青鬼》即将登陆移动平台,趁此机会童鞋们不如事先来体验下系列衍生作《青鬼2》吧青鬼安卓版下载iOS版下载青鬼初代即将移植上架 不如...[详情]
-------------------------- Long ago, a certain school in the outskirts of town was suddenly closed. Nowadays, no one knows the reason why it was suddenly closed. But there was a certain rumor going around. They said that a blue monster appeared in that abandoned school building -------------------------- For inquiries / defect reports here apps_contact@goodroid.co.jp Please specify "Ao Oni 2" on the subject line. ※ Please allow mail reception from PC.[详情]