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发布时间:2016-03-30 14:50萌妹子出题了这次你能hold得住吗? 近日,Yuki Enterprise 推出了一款以萌妹为题材的找茬休闲益智游戏大家来找萌》,并已上架安卓平台。游戏的玩法相当简单,玩家只需要找到两张图之间的区别,完成关卡即可解锁妹子的 CG 游戏难度分为 Easy、Normal、H...[详情]
This game is a game to find the difference from the two moving pictures. You do not ever , will be a new experience. The procedure is simple. You will find the differences between the two pictures , touch its place. When you complete the stage , her secret locks can be released. Can you complete all of the stage ? Good luck ![详情]