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发布时间:2016-09-12 14:25屠龙之城是一款具有情怀的手游,将红遍中国的网游移植到了手机之上,战法道铁三角组合、万人攻城战、杀红名等经典元素完美复刻,游戏追求良性的环境,刺激的野外混战、公平的竞技场。本作由万家游戏发行,以兄弟回归,再战沙城为目的,让传奇玩家再次聚集在一起,一样的世界,屠龙之城将带来更激情的体...[详情]
一款画面采用复古像素组成的经典角色扮演类游戏。游戏真的是太复古了,不仅仅是画面简单,就连游戏玩法也像极了以前掌上游戏机和电子辞典上的RPG游戏。 Play your hero, fight for your adventure! Legends of Yore, a casual rogue like designed for mobile platforms. Choose your character and adventure through the dungeons, gaining levels and experience to eventually become a hero. *Xperia PLAY optimized* If you experience a crash please report it or let me know directly by email. I'd really appreciate the feedback! The game allows you to play til level 20 free of c...[详情]