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竞技场如何运用阵型 潮爆三国竞技场阵型选择
发布时间:2016-12-19 13:27在潮爆三国这一款游戏中,不同的阵型在竞技场中能够发挥的作用是不一样的。今天就让我们一起来了解下竞技场阵形的选择技巧吧群英会阵型各有不同,具体分析视乎不现实,从总体角度来看,只要遵守扬己长,避己短即可。自己优秀的前排对战对面英雄比较多的一竖,而后排则是选择避开对面英雄输出路线。有些...[详情]
平民阵容推荐 潮爆三国平民阵容前排选择分享
发布时间:2016-12-19 12:12在游戏潮爆三国中,阵容是体现玩家实力的根本,好的阵容决定着游戏的成败,今天为各位平民玩家推荐几个前排阵容,快来看看吧平民阵容推荐 潮爆三国平民阵容前排选择分享1、马超培养较难,虽然平民弄一个马超需要很久,但是不可质疑马超作为前排是非常肉的。惊人的王公技能带来的闪避,每场战斗都能肉...[详情]
Skyhill武器属性加点选择 战斗伤害提升
发布时间:2016-12-17 01:28标签: 武器 想要在Skyhill游戏中生存下去,那么武器是非常重要的一点,对于武器属性加点选择合理,就能够提升自己的战斗伤害,更容易击败遇到的怪物。Skyhill武器属性加点:武器的1点属性能够提升大约0.25的伤害,因为初始属...[详情]
发布时间:2016-12-16 15:35七雄争霸神仙流阵容门客选择玩法推荐,对于阵容相信大家都已经很熟悉了,唯一的区别可能就是大家之间对于武将的培养程度了。如果还有其他的话,那么就是门客选择的问题。七雄争霸神仙流阵容门客选择玩法推荐大家可能会感觉这个在前期的作用还不是很明显,但是在后期就不一样了,相同的阵容搭配以及武将...[详情]
如何选择宠物 天天风之旅宠物的正确选择方式
发布时间:2016-12-15 17:43天天风之旅游戏中的宠物有很多种,大家在选择的时候是不是也很纠结,今天就为大家推荐一些实用的宠物,希望能对各位玩家有所帮助如何选择宠物 天天风之旅宠物的正确选择方式萌萌哒首先简单介绍一下宠物萌萌哒的技能:制造啾啾一枚,同时初始CD时间27秒,满级CD时间8秒。宠物萌萌哒的综合点评:...[详情]
岔路该怎么办 天天风之旅闯关模式岔路选择攻略
发布时间:2016-12-15 15:19天天风之旅闯关模式十分有趣让玩家不断挑战,只是在之后的 一些关卡里会有一些分路,稍微选择不慎就会完不成任务,今天就为大家具体介绍天天风之旅闯关模式岔路选择,希望能对各位玩家有所帮助岔路该怎么办 天天风之旅闯关模式岔路选择攻略第16关:一个岔路,走下面,不要跳。第17关,两个岔路,...[详情]
御龙手游宝石镶嵌解析 第四孔宝石的选择
发布时间:2016-12-15 14:07想要更好的提升自己的战力,除了砸星紫装以外,宝石是必不可少的一部分。很多新手玩家都对什么职业应该镶嵌什么样的宝石这类概念十分模糊。今天小编就为大家讲解下如何选择自己合适的宝石。宝石镶嵌重新改版由于版本的预更新,一件装备可镶嵌的宝石已经从原来的3颗晋升为4颗。攻击装备与防具装备所镶...[详情]
赤潮基础玩法介绍 多种兵种和策略选择
发布时间:2016-12-14 00:19赤潮游戏中有三个种族、25个指挥官技能、100多个独立兵种,玩家再这样的情况下需要有合理的兵种搭配和战斗策略,才能够有机会取得战场优势。赤潮基础玩法游戏中玩家需要在3个种族中进行选择,每个种族有40多种兵种,通过搭配来组建军队参与作战,并且选择合适的符文组合。战场上还需要及时关注...[详情]
天天炫斗情侣装备的属性区别 选择适合自己的
发布时间:2016-12-12 16:34天天炫斗中对于情侣装备,想必大家都很熟悉了,情侣装备不但可以见证玩家之间的感情,同时还能为玩家提供各种属性加成、战力加成,接下来我们来看看情侣装的属性有啥区别及评论套装属性。天天炫斗情侣装备的属性区别 选择适合自己的情侣装备的属性区别我们以雪月和心翼见证为例,这两件装备是同一位置...[详情]
发布时间:2016-12-10 16:18泽诺尼亚S法师装备选择推荐,泽诺尼亚S法师的主要特点是攻击力高,暴击率高,暴伤高,MP上限高,是一个非常靠技能的职业,那么应该选择什么样的装备呢下面跟着小编一起看看吧,希望大家喜欢。泽诺尼亚S法师装备选择推荐泽诺尼亚S法师装备选择推荐泽诺尼亚泽诺尼亚S法师的主要特点是攻击力高,暴...[详情]
One choice can change everything! With romance, drama, horror and more, Choices has the best collection of story games in the world! ✦ Customize your main character ✦ Fall in love, solve crimes and embark on epic fantasy adventures ✦ Pick your story from our constantly growing library with weekly chapter updates ✦ Control what happens next in immersive visual stories! Current stories include: ❖ THE FRESHMAN - Welcome to Hartfeld University! In this college drama, you’ll make new friends for life and find true love romancing your schoolmates. Will you date bookish James, party girl Kaitlyn, football hero Chris... or all three at once? - Dress your character in fashion-forward outfits for events like a sorority rush. - Choose a date for the elegant and romantic Winter Formal. ❖ THE CROWN & THE FLAME - Your enemies stole your kingdom, but now the time has come for you to raise an army, master magic, and reclaim your crown! Assume the role of the hero in this interactive narrative adventure. - Form alliances and relationships to build your army. - Dress in elegant fashions and powerful armor. - Crush enemies in an epic battle! ❖ PERFECT MATCH - Sign up for the high-tech matchmaking services of Eros Incorporated, and master the dating game! Create your look, meet your perfect match, and fall in love in this thrilling mystery story! - Customize your date to be your perfect match. - Roleplay as a guy or a girl. - Investigate a mystery with twists you won’t see coming! You might also love: ❖ BLOODBOUND - You're applying for a job with brilliant CEO billionaire Adrian Raines. Urban fantasy meets romance in this sexy vampire thriller! ❖ HIGH SCHOOL STORY - It's your first day at a new high school! Make friends, find love, and attend the Homecoming dance. Relive your teen years in your very own High School Story! ...PLUS more new stories and chapters EACH WEEK! FOLLOW CHOICES: facebook.com/ChoicesStoriesYouPlay twitter.com/playchoices instagram.com/choicesgame Choices is free to play, but you are able to purchase game items with real money. You may limit the ability to make in-app purchases by creating a PIN in the Settings menu from within the Google Play Store. PRIVACY POLICY & TERMS OF SERVICE - Please read our privacy policy at http://www.pixelberrystudios.com/choices-privacy-policy/ - By playing Choices, you agree to our terms of service http://www.pixelberrystudios.com/choices-terms-of-service ABOUT US Choices is from the team that has been bringing you narrative games for over a decade. We created the top 25 hit games, Surviving High School and Cause of Death, the first games with episodes, for EA. After leaving EA, our team regrouped as Pixelberry in a small office, set out to continue creating story driven games with heart and launched the two interactive hit games, High School Story and Hollywood U. Our team has now grown to over a dozen of the most experienced game writers in the industry. In our 10 years of creating story games together, we’ve seen heartbreak, marriages, great adventures, and even Pixelbabies. Stay tuned for more new interactive story games to pick from in Choices! - The Pixelberry Team[详情]