To The Moon游戏新闻
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与全球玩家再次享受这份感动,《To the Moon》手机版上线
发布时间:2017-05-12 12:52与全球玩家再次享受这份感动手机版上线心动网络官方宣布,《To the Moon》手机版将于2017年5月12日全球同步登陆iOS、TapTap和Google play平台,内含简体中文以及其他多国语言,游戏建议零售价为30元人民币38港币、4.99美元,TapTap平台首发优惠1...[详情]
To The Moon lets you have an amazing journey through the stars! Upgrades to your ship will reduce time and get you closer to your goal every day, collecting stars to boost you though the sky and dodging clouds that slow down your progress!Are you ready to reach for the stars?- Retro graphics!- Plenty of upgrades!- Challenging gameplay![详情]