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不靠谱的勇者 站上塔楼开启公主的自救之路
发布时间:2018-01-31 18:11这是一款游戏背景极为经典简单的休闲动作类游戏。游戏开始是因为公主被恶龙绑架囚禁于高塔之上,但前来的勇者未能成功打败恶龙,拯救公主反而被恶龙嘎嘣脆了,公主拾起来勇者的武器,开始自己寻找逃生的机会。塔里有什么站上塔楼,游戏其实起了一个相反的名字。平时柔弱无力的公主在这款游戏摇身一变,...[详情]
Ever wanted to escape somewhere else? Ever felt like you were trapped in a high tower? Ever found yourself waiting for the valiant knight to save you? Wait no more! Cause he isn't coming -- No, really, he isn't. He was literally eaten by that guardian dragon over there. But fear no more, you have all you need to set yourself free. The brave knight left behind his war hammer, I'm sure you can put it to good use, right? You can beat the enemies. You can escape the dragon. YOU CAN DO THIS! Now let the adventure begin, once upon a tower.[详情]