洛奇 Duel游戏攻略
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NEXON开始放大招 《洛奇决斗》将于6月9日正式上架
发布时间:2015-05-29 15:56导读 不久前NEXON才公布了2015年的手游全新计划,紧接着今天就宣布使用著名端游洛奇IP打造的全新TCG手游新作《洛奇决斗》将于6月9日正式和大家见面。 5月29日九游独家爆料,一手爆料,尽在九游。不久前...[详情]
发布时间:2015-03-17 17:07导读 在1994年开厂的韩国游戏大大Nexon在去年12月正式满20周年,很多玩家都接触过他家开发的游戏,诸如《枫之谷》、《泡泡堂》、《跑跑卡丁车》、《洛奇英雄传》、《DNF》等。同时根据韩国游戏各大厂商发 ...[详情]
多图看到爽GSTAR关注大作《洛奇 Dual》手游全爆料
发布时间:2014-11-21 12:51导读 刚好在上个月的今天,小编曝光过《洛奇》这个大IP的最新进展,昨天开幕的韩国GSTAR游戏展,再传回来NEXON这款手游大作《洛奇Dual》的卡牌对战画面和玩法信息,马上跟小编来看一下吧11月21日九游独家爆料,一手爆料,尽在九游。刚好在上个月的今天,小编曝光...[详情]
▷ Mobile TCG with Strategy Duel with your own unique deck using 12 cards Unlimited combinations and strategies with 1,000 different types of cards ▷ Scenario Mode You can easily learn the game by traveling through the Mabinogi world with unique/funny characters ▷ Duel Modes [Draft Mission] You can duel with 12 random cards! Doesn’t matter if you don’t possess any good cards! [Daily Mission] Play with your own unique deck! New missions! Other modes including LIVE 1vs1 Duels and other battle modes! ▷ Card Trade [Soul Link] Allows for Card Trades, similar that of real life! [Personal Shops] Allows duelers to trade with duelists from all over the world! ▷ Continuous Card Updates Characters from [Mabinogi] and [Vindictus] have arrived in Mabinogi Duel! Meet different characters in Mabinogi Duel now! ▶Community New events and announcements can be seen at our Official Forum and Facebook! *Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mabinogiduel *Official Forum: https://m.nexon.com/forum/1 ▶Customer Support Are you having troubles with the gameplay? Visit http://m.nexon.com/cc/report/guest/write?client_id=MTU0MzkwODcyMw or In-game Settings -> Customer Support! Terms of Service: https://m-page.nexon.com/term/10 Privacy Policy: https://m-page.nexon.com/term/11 [Mabinogi Duel requires OS4.0 or higher for smooth gameplay. A crash might occur on some older devices. You will need a network connection to play.][详情]