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发布时间:2017-03-28 15:03标签: 荒野大镖客 去年悄然公布的《荒野大镖客2》的消息如同一记重磅炸弹激起玩家千层欢呼,足可见西部题材与沙盒探索玩法相融产生的魅力。而近日,手游市场上一款同为西部沙盒题材的作品也曾受到玩家们的关注,由个人独立开发的《火枪与马刺》...[详情]
《火枪与马刺》3月25日推出 开放的西部世界即将到来
发布时间:2017-03-10 15:17早前,一款名为《火枪与马刺》(Guns and Spurs)的游戏曝光,近日开发商表示该作将在3月25日推出。本作是一款以西部世界为舞台的RPG游戏,主打开放世界。玩家在游戏中将会成为一名牛仔,和自己的爱马一起在游戏中冒险。玩家可以在西部世界中完成各种各样的任务,并收集不同的枪支...[详情]
独立沙盒新作《火枪与马刺》曝光 手游中的荒野大镖客由此而生
发布时间:2016-12-19 19:19标签: 荒野大镖客 当西部风情遇上沙盒探索,《荒野大镖客》的一度火爆就足以证明二者融合后所带来的魅力。上月R星仅以一张红色海报就引起全球玩家的尖叫,而近日手游市场也曝光了一款足以令玩家震撼的独立沙盒作品《火枪与马刺》(Guns a...[详情]
《火枪与马刺》曝光 西部牛仔的自由狂奔
发布时间:2016-12-16 19:31对于西部牛仔的印象,恐怕很多人脑海里浮现的都是头戴墨西哥式宽沿高顶毡帽、腰挎柯尔特左轮连发手枪、身缠子弹带、穿着牛仔裤皮上衣、以及束袖紧身多袋牛仔服、足蹬一双饰有刺马钉的高筒皮套靴、颈围一块色彩鲜艳夺目的印花大方巾、骑着快马风驰电掣,形象威猛而洒脱。近日,一款名为《火枪与马刺》(...[详情]
Become a lonely cowboy in the wild west, thirsty to take revenge for the death of his wife. Run with your horse in an open world full of action! Travel from town to town and take down your enemies in 10 "Wanted" missions. Ride your horse and run through 10 challenging horse race events around the map. Stylish 3d graphics with a third person perspective create a great and colorful atmosphere. A variety of powerful weapons is available to be unlocked, including dual wield pistols and dynamites. You can enter buildings such as saloons, gun shops, church and more. Also, you can buy new safehouses all over the map and change your character's outfits. The 'Wanted' missions include quickdraw mini-games. Guns and Spurs not only offers the freedom to explore the old west, but also take part in horse race events and battle enemies that will stand in your way.[详情]