- 攻略《方块英雄格斗3D》试玩11-12
- 攻略方块英雄格斗3D礼包领取08-19
- 攻略方块英雄格斗3D什么时候08-18
《方块英雄格斗3D》试玩 像素的拳皇与街霸?
发布时间:2016-11-12 16:17拳皇与街霸两款经典的格斗游戏,想必并不用过多的赘述。在手游多元化的今天,不少横版游戏接踵而至,多少都收到了这两款经典游戏的影响。本次分享的这款《方块英雄格斗3D》就是一款会让人感到熟悉的作品,像素画面虽然少了几分细腻,但是同样精彩。不妨带领着你的英雄,到游戏中一决雌雄。方块英雄格...[详情]
方块英雄格斗3D礼包领取大全 礼包和激活码预定攻略
发布时间:2016-08-19 21:00方块英雄格斗3D已经震撼来袭各位小伙伴都准备好一起加入游戏愉快战斗了吗?如果想要在方块英雄格斗3D中领先一步,就绝不可以错过任意一次激活码和礼包。九游提供了方块英雄格斗3D丰富的装备、道具、材料、钻石、金币等丰富礼包,还有一测、二测、公测等各个测试阶段的方块英雄格斗3D独家激活码...[详情]
方块英雄格斗3D什么时候公测 开测下载提醒方法
发布时间:2016-08-18 19:22今年最新推出的方块英雄格斗3D即将火爆公测,每一款游戏都要经历封测、删档内测、不删档内测、公测等几个阶段,玩家们每天都期待着方块英雄格斗3D安卓或者iOS版本正式的公测时间,有很多玩家都在问小编方块英雄格斗3D什么时候公测?方块英雄格斗3D什么时候出?有什么办法可以快速地知道方块...[详情]
The best fighting game with marvellous pixel characters and beautiful scenery. You will win your way up to the biggest boss. Choose your character choose your opponent and get ready to have the best fight in mobile. Every new enemy will get stronger get ready and show your Kung FU! You will get addicted from the first fight to the last. You will enjoy your play with really good graphics and you will never want to stop until you beat them all. But it is not easy you must work on your moves. We are continuously improving the game support us giving 5 stars and reviews ! we love you and we will improve the game non-stop for you. it will always be free. -New Santa Skin -New Santa Hat -Added brand new Characters! -Added 2 new levels! -Added Endless Mode! -Major Bug Fix. -Minor Bug Fix.[详情]