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发布时间:2016-10-14 14:46迷踪岛,主角30级开启。副本内有大量怪物和宝箱,可获得徽记、钻石等,徽记可用来兑换稀有装备。可设置3支队伍进行挑战。击败怪物后,血量不会恢复,只能通过灵魂医者进行治疗。每日凌晨5点副本进行重置。每周三、周日还会开放Boss挑战。迷踪岛拥有多种不同玩法,主要涵盖了PVP、PVE、B...[详情]
发布时间:2016-10-12 15:36《兽人战争》是一款以西方魔幻史诗题材为背景架构,以超爽QTE玩法为核心特色,并结合独特伙伴收集养成玩法,倾力打造的一款大型3D手游大作。近期将开启首测,我们来看看它的日常任务都有哪些。在主角达到一定等级时,日常任务会自动开启,玩家每日都可以进入日常任务,日常任务有多种玩法,根据玩...[详情]
发布时间:2016-10-12 15:25俗话说的好,细节决定成败。这游戏升级的经验来源于三个:体力消耗、精力消耗、日常任务。单位对应给的经验都是和等级挂钩的,对应升级就会增加,那有人就要问了,一样的影响购买体力和精力的次数,是不是就升级一样快呢,为什么我和别人一样的,一天玩的,都用完了的,别人比我等级高呢?下面就来听我...[详情]
来兽人的战争世界里面冒险吧!来自VR的全真体验,感受到每一次的游戏冲击,兽人战团带来的真实感,带领兽人获得胜利吧! Welcome to Orcraft Fantasy Adventure. VR Orcraft is designed for high-end mobile devices, to give you the best Immerse possibilities, with no controller needed. Mounted on a heavy warhorse you get to lead the attack against Orc Enemy waves. Push forward to destroy the Orc Towers and eventually conquer the Orc Castle to win the match. Defend your castle and tower against the Orc Brute which leads the Orc army. Use with Google Cardboard or any suitable VR headset. Features: *** 2 heroes to choose from: Archer with a bow / Knight with a sword. *** Infantries to help you with your quest. *** Catapults with long range attacks to destroy towers. *** No controller needed. *** Advanced VR Intece with On Screen Buttons: Aim/Ride/Ride to/Attack/Cam Switch *** 2 camera view: 1st/3rd person *** Conquer enemy castle to win. *** Capture Middle Flag to release your Cavaliers. *** Enemy Orc Brute, with massive damage. *** Enemy Orc waves of infantries and catapults.[详情]