Gaming is often seen as an unsociable and solitary pursuit. But fans of Pokémon GO claim the augmented reality craze - which since its launch last week has had users chasing around their neighborhoods in pursuit of fictional creatures - has given rise to so many chance meetings between strangers that people have started using it as a dating app.
Numerous users have shared their stories of romance spurred by the app - claiming that they were either asked out while playing the game or invited on a Pokémon GO date with their potential love interest. It has also proved a hit as a dating activity among existing couples and as a new way of making friends.
Such is the popularity of the game - which has already been installed on more Android devices than dating app Tinder - that some fans are using it to replace movie nights, giving rise to the phrase 'Pokémon GO and chill', adapted from 'Netflix and chill'.
“口袋妖怪”大受欢迎,在安卓设备上的下载量已超过约会软件Tinder的下载量。如今一些粉丝选择玩“口袋妖怪”而不是晚上去看电影。现在人们不再说“看完片滚床单(Netflix and chill)”而是“玩完‘口袋妖怪’滚床单”。
Twitter is full of stories of people being asked out on dates while out playing the game - which is based in the real world with graphics superimposed and requires users to walk around the streets trying to 'catch' Pokémon characters that appear on their screens.
A popular dating hotspot for fans of the game are 'PokéStops' - real world locations that are marked on the game map where users linger to get 'Poké Balls' and eggs that hatch into Pokémon.
Craigslist has numerous messages from people trying to contact people they met while playing the game. The Chicago Tribune reported that it has led to 'dozens of Craigslist missed connections'.
A Reddit post entitled 'Pokémon GO got me a date' tells the story of a gamer who met a woman after she asked: 'Hey, are you playing Pokemon Go too?'
After chatting about the game they agreed to meet the following day to play and go on a date.
One Twitter user, 'Tipsy Gypsy', from Las Vegas, Nevada, wrote: 'Who needs tinder when I just got asked out on a date to go play #PokémonGO by a guy I met in a park searching for pokéstops [sic]'.
来自内华达州拉斯维加斯的推特用户Tipsy Gypsy写道:“我在公园里搜寻精灵补给站时遇到的一个帅哥约我出去玩‘口袋妖怪’ ,谁还想用Tinder啊?”
Kali, 19, from Seattle, wrote on Twitter: 'Just had a guy ask if I was playing Pokémon Go and he immediately asked me out LMAO [sic]'.
Todd Schlickbernd, a video producer from Washington, hailed the game the 'easiest ice breaker ever'.
托德 斯奇里克伯德是华盛顿的一位影视制作人,他称赞这款游戏为“史上最简易的破冰方式”。
He wrote: 'Should totally wrap Pokémon GO in a dating app. Easiest ice breaker ever. And you don't even have to pick a spot, just, who we catchin'? '
Another user from Elk Grove, California, writing under the name 'Mic Dog', tweeted: 'Just went out for over an hour at a park at night. Was approached by a guy who asked if I was playing Pokemon Go. Ended up hanging with [sic]'.
The game is also being used by pre-existing couples as a way of spending time together.
One woman said her boyfriend used it as a way of getting her out of the house to propose.
Amanda Jane wrote on Twitter: 'To get me out of the house so he could propose, he asked if I wanted to go play #PokémonGO at the park.'
这位名叫阿曼达 简的女士在推特上这样写道:“他问我想不想去公园里玩‘口袋妖怪’,就这样让我出了门,然后他就向我求婚了。”
重点:手机必须安卓4.4系统以上,并且ROOT,然后安装谷歌三件套(框架、地图和商店)、VPN翻墙工具?、游戏加速器,否则会出现包括闪退在内的各种问题! 《精灵宝可梦GO Pokemon Go》是一款主打真实的LBS休闲游戏。在《口袋妖怪GO》中融入了先进的AR技术,这也使得能在现实生活中捕捉皮卡丘、妙蛙种子、杰尼龟等超萌神奇宝贝的幻想不再是天方夜谭。 值得一提的是,由于有曾开发过《Ingress》的前谷歌智能手机设备研究小组Niantic Labs加盟制作,他们所带来的地理位置服务技术成为《口袋妖怪GO》又一道炫目之光。在游戏中,玩家将跟随地理位置信息与藏匿于各处的神奇宝贝不期而遇,在收集它们的同时甚至还能与其面对面大战一场。千万要注意街角草丛、岩石壁缝、城市楼宇之间、荒郊黄土之上,这些地方都可能变为酷爱捉迷藏的精灵们躲藏的庇护所。 当然,如果运气不好捕获到的精灵不合口味的话,玩家之间还被允许互相交换精灵哦!就如同最近大火的微信运动计步一样,大胆猜想这样的玩法可能也是想让常年坐着的宅族们起身活动活动,和大自然来场亲密接触,顺便在与朋友比拼谁捉的怪物更多的过程中收获快乐,在交换中增进彼此感情。[详情]