日前,即将于本周正式上架的《无主之地传说 Tales from the Borderlands》第四章“逃脱计划 Bravo(Escape Plan Bravo)”按例放出了发布前预告,作为该系列倒数第二章,玩家们将很快与这个 Telltale 与 2K 两个巨头联手打造的游戏系列说再见了,有没有不舍呢?
“逃脱计划”的剧情继续围绕主角 Rhys 和 Fiona 展开,玩家要帮助寻找坐落在 Hyperion 公司月球基地上宝藏,不过你人却在潘朵拉星球,另外还有虎视眈眈的大恶人 Vallory 随时准备扣响架在你脑袋上的手枪扳机。总之随着游戏逐步迈向完结,剧情发展也将高潮迭起。

另外说说游戏的开发商 Telltale,这两年他们混得可谓是风生水起,凭借根据人气漫画改编的章节式冒险游戏《行尸走肉》走红,趁热打铁推出了美剧《人中之狼》、《权力的游戏》改编游戏,逐步累积了很高的人气,这也让其有机缘与 2K 合作《无主之地传说 Tales from the Borderlands》,与 Mojang 联合开发《我的世界:故事模式》。当然除了顺风顺水的好运,Telltale 也是有两把刷子的,他们所经手的游戏无一不是以章节形式推出,既能够步步为营地塑造游戏品牌,更形成了 Telltale 独一无二的游戏标签。不过遗憾的是由于语言方面的沟壑,Telltale 的游戏在欧美走红却并没有在国内掀起多大的波澜,如果未来能做一些本地化的工作可能会在中国市场取得不一样的成绩。

****Episode 1: Zer0 Sum is now FREE**** Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series from the award-winning adventure game powerhouse Telltale Games. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, this is a story full of Borderlands’ trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness. You’ll play as Rhys, a Hyperion ‘suit’ with dreams of being the next Handsome Jack, and Fiona, a Pandoran con artist looking to score her biggest ever swindle. Thrown together as unwilling partners in an adventure to recover cash they both think is theirs, their journey will take you on a wild ride where gangsters, bandit lords, and Vault Hunters are just some of the obstacles you’ll encounter, in this new take on the award-winning universe created by Gearbox Software. ***Save over 20% on additional episodes in Tales from the Borderlands by purchasing the Season Pass [Episodes 2-5] via in-app*** The Season Pass is the best value and entitles you to all four remaining episodes at a discount when compared to buying each episode individually (All Episodes Available Now). SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Minimum specs: GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra 4 CPU: Dual core 1.2GHz Memory: 1GB - - - - The game will run on the following devices but users may experience performance issues: - Galaxy S2 – Adreno - Galaxy S3 Mini Unsupported Device(s): - Galaxy Tab3 - Droid RAZR[详情]