我的世界中国版11.18Reamls PC版怼基友过丛林Realms

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2016-11-21 19:15


| 新Realms

​Makers Punch是一个很适合登录Realms的选择。它本身就是个好玩且没有错误的小游戏,并且用MineMakers Team 的 Makers Spleef 中的元素进行了点缀,让我们回想起了粉丝们最爱的地图,Knockback Madness。将你的敌人从平台上打飞的任务看似简单,但不断游玩,练习跳跃与使用物品同样可以为你们带来优势。

Makers Punch was a natural choice for inclusion on Realms. It was a fun and error-free minigame from the start, and it reminded us of the fan favorite, Knockback Madness, seasoned with design elements from MineMakers Team’s Makers Spleef. The goal of knocking your enemies flying off the platform is simple, but learning the jumps and items will give you an advantage as you and your friends play this game over and over.

我的世界中国版11.18Reamls PC版怼基友过丛林Realms

我们有时会联系建筑团队一起完成特殊的项目,比如上半月的House of Horrors。为Minecraft的1.11版本,我们与Blockception进行了合作来向你更好展现这个版本的特性,这也是我们使它登录Realms的原因。到目前为止,这个地图一直非常受欢迎!你可以在被重新命名的World Template选项中找到这个地图。

We occasionally reach out to build teams for special projects, such as the House of Horrors earlier this month. For Minecraft 1.11, we worked with Blockception to show you some of this version’s new features, and it made sense to make it available through Realms as well. So far, it’s been very popular! You can find this map under the newly-renamed World Template heading.

我的世界中国版11.18Reamls PC版怼基友过丛林Realms


When Minecraft gets a big update, sometimes we have to retire old maps on Realms. However, through the tireless efforts of many mapmakers, a collection of adventure maps and minigames are already back!

我的世界中国版11.18Reamls PC版怼基友过丛林Realms


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网易游戏代理的《我的世界》(Minecraft)手游,你想玩的,这里都有! 全新村庄更新重磅上线,焕然一新的村庄和村民,特色“袭击”玩法开启村庄保卫战。更有第五人格、阴阳师、赛尔号等大波超人气玩法等你来体验! 作为中国顶尖UGC游戏平台,《我的世界》汇聚全球优秀创造者提供海量玩法内容,共同打造更好的游戏大世界! 凭借开放自由的游戏世界、超乎想象的游戏玩法,《我的世界》深受上亿玩家的喜爱。[详情]