我的世界中国版11.5Reamls PC版做一头熊打一头龙
| 新Realms
当一只龙来到你的村庄夺取财宝时,你可以做的只有一件事:变大然后摧毁周围的一切!A Giant Quest是一个简短的单人冒险体验,它会通过一种奇妙的方式改变你对物体大小的认知,在游玩之后你还可以在那个世界中制作自己的村庄。
When a dragon shows up to extort your village for gold, there’s only one thing you can do: get huge and wreck everything! A Giant Quest is a short single-player adventure that plays with your sense of scale in some surprising ways, then afterward, allows you to create your own village in that same world.
在Mithey的动物相关地图系列上继续,我们来到了Bear Buds!作为一只北极熊,带上你的矮人盾和火焰斧去寻找你的父亲吧。我们并不想问太多问题,但是你如果喜欢冒险类游戏元素加上解谜还有北极熊,你一定会爱上这个地图的!
Continuing Mithey’s trend of animal-related maps, we’ve got Bear Buds! You’re a polar bear with a dwarven shield and a flaming ax, off to find your dad. We don’t ask too many questions. If you like adventure gameplay mixed with puzzles and bears, you’re going to love this map!
This fast-paced minigame is best with a large group of friends. Get everyone together and stand on the proper color, or else you fall to your doom!
Mithey has two maps this week, and this one is a sequel to a recently-released adventure! Inspired by a particular monster-catching photography game, this on-rails shooter has players riding pandas through five ghast-infested levels.
网易游戏代理的《我的世界》(Minecraft)手游,你想玩的,这里都有! 全新村庄更新重磅上线,焕然一新的村庄和村民,特色“袭击”玩法开启村庄保卫战。更有第五人格、阴阳师、赛尔号等大波超人气玩法等你来体验! 作为中国顶尖UGC游戏平台,《我的世界》汇聚全球优秀创造者提供海量玩法内容,共同打造更好的游戏大世界! 凭借开放自由的游戏世界、超乎想象的游戏玩法,《我的世界》深受上亿玩家的喜爱。[详情]