划时代力作 《秦时明月》登环球时报

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2014-02-08 16:58


The legendreturns
Charactersfrom The Legend of Qin: Xiang Shaoyu, Tianming and Wei Zhuang Photos:Courtesy of StarQ Animation Studio

The year 2014 will be big for The Legend of Qin, says ShenLeping, 2012best animation director according to the then State Administration of RadioFilm and Television.

After a silence of more than 10 months, The Legend of Qin animatedseries is coming back for its fans, bringing the new season to China's largestonline video websites Youku and Tudou as well as a 3D feature movie totheaters.

The non-animated namesake TV series is also directed by Shen, and scheduled forrelease this year as well. A 3-D action role-playing game is also coming outthis year.

All these stories are based on the popular swordsmen stories by Wen Shiren."They present different aspects of storylines in the world of TheLegend of Qin. With some magic-style skills and scenes, the animatedseries and the movie are closer to fantasy while the real-person TV series getsback to traditional Chinese martial arts and history," Shen told theGlobal Times.

In contrast to animations like Boonie Bearsand Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, The Legend of Qin targetsolder audiences aged 12 to 25, telling historical stories that also pack acultural punch.

Being the most-watched animated series on CCTV in2008, The Legend of Qin was voted favorite original animation for fourconsecutive years from 2007 to 2010 at the MVG Awards supported by 21cn.com. TheLegend of Qin animated series has more than 3 million fans, Shen says.

Imperial education
The story surrounds 12-year-old Tianming, hunted byEmperor Qin Shihuang since the boy's father Jing Ke was killed after failing toassassinate the emperor. Protected by swordsman GeNie, Tianming escapes theemperor's soldiers and embarks on an adventure with his friends, witnessing therise and fall of a great empire.

Beyond the boy's story, The Legend of Qinoffers a complicated Web of relationships as a backdrop for that historicalperiod, with diverse characters, kingdoms and schools that includeConfucianism, Mohism, Taoism, Yin-yang and Names.

Schools of ancient Chinese philosophy are presented more like competing martialarts genres, generating fantastic visual effects and superhuman skills.

Classic life stories of the philosophers and arguments are thrown into the mix,such as the sophistry debates at the School of Names.

Shen tells the Global Times this saucy historical background is one of thereasons he wanted to construct a great story. "Some of the real men inhistory appear in this animation," he said. "And I'm so glad someteen fans of the series are looking for more knowledge behind the story. Itmakes me feel we are promoting culture."
沈乐平告诉《环球时报》的记者,这个独特的历史背景是他想要构造一个伟大故事的原因之一。 “一些历史上的真实人物出现在动画里,”他说,“我很高兴看到很多年轻的秦迷都在试图了解故事背后的更多知识,这让我觉得我们正在推动文化的进步。”

The Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) is a very special period of Chinese history. Thefirst emperor conquered kingdoms and built a united empire for the first timein Chinese history, unifying the currency, language and thought in a very shortperiod.

"He [Emperor Qin Shihuang] made a nice foundation for the prosperity oflater dynasties such as the Han, but there were conflicts and discontent aroundthe country, which led to a collapse of his empire after his death," Shensays. "We're actually telling a story of an empire through a little boy'seyes."
“他[秦始皇]为后世如汉朝的繁荣打下了一个坚实的基础,但是也带来了全国各地的冲突和不满,这些导致了在他死后秦朝的分崩离析,”沈乐平说, “我们实际上是在通过一个小男孩的眼睛,来讲述一个帝国兴衰的故事。”

Online preference
The first season of the animated series started in 2007 with ten 22-minuteepisodes, focusing on the escape of Tianming and GeNie. As the storylinesdeveloped, more characters and schools were added and following seasonscontained more and more content: 18 episodes for the second season, 34 in thethird season and 37 in the fourth season.

The upcoming fifth season is probably even longer.Although the original plan was to tell the whole story in seven seasons, Shenand his team are considering how to contain so many storylines in one masterplan and yet also tell a clear and coherent story.

"We didn't want to break the plan, but our fans have been waiting for thenext season for so long," Shen says. "So we decided to update thefifth season on the websites weekly while we are still producing the rest ofthe story."
“我们不希望打破计划,但我们的秦迷一直在等待下一季等了这么久,”沈乐平说, “所以我们决定每周在网站上更新第五季,同时继续创作故事的其余部分。”

The online broadcasting copyright for the fourthseason of the animation series reached 12 million yuan ($1.9 million), breakingthe record for online animation video websites in 2012. With average clicks ofabout 5 million an episode and more than 400 million views in total, the showproved worth the price. The fifth and sixth seasons have already been presoldto Youku and Tudou.

Though the series is also popular on TV, the producers prefer the onlinemarket.

"The online videos are available 24-7 and our fans don't worry aboutmissing any of the updates," Shen says. "We can directly checkstatistics about popular plots: Some episodes have obviously been watched byfans more than once while other bits get skipped. And we can read comments fromfans online."

Feedback will help thr creators frame the story better next season, heexplains.

Overseas promotion
The animated series has been translated into seven languages and distributed in37 regions and countries including the US, Canada, France, Italy and Spain.

"I was worried at first about whether overseas audiences could accept thecomplicated background of Chinese history and culture in this animation, buteventually I found that concern totally unwarranted," Shen says.

Just like Game of Thrones translates to Chinese audiences, foreignaudiences also enjoy exploring the more perplexing cultural references.

"Actually, we got very good feedback from the overseas market, especiallyNorth America," Shen says.

The first two seasons have been shown on TV and online video websites in theUS, achieving more than 1 million views.



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内容提要 •《秦时明月》x《天行九歌》联动版本上线! •荣膺金翎奖“年度玩家最喜爱的移动网络游戏”、Gamelook“年度手机游戏突破创新奖”、百度移动游戏“人气网络手游奖”等若干荣誉奖项! • 《秦时明月》同名官方手游,正版授权、原声演绎、原创团队加盟监制! • 提前同步《秦时明月》第六部动漫剧情,登录游戏抢鲜观看动漫精彩看点! • 陪伴天明共同经历冒险平定乱世,伴随少羽、高月前往探索机关迷城,经历石兰神秘未闻奇遇!与亿万秦迷共同进入《秦时明月》掌中世界,与诸子百家同论剑-烽火守擂台-披剑斩荆棘!穿越大秦操纵十八般神兵利器,造就电光火石般绚丽技能! 历史版本: 苍龙重现、百家争鸣、天下大同[详情]