早在2002年,迪斯尼宣布联手SE打造《王国之心》系列,此后催生了大量该系列的游戏。在去年9月日本上架了《王国之心:解放X》(Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi)的手游新作,这款游戏基于早前的页游《王国之心X》。如今,《王国之心:解放X》将于本周四在北美登陆iOS和Android双平台。
网罗了迪士尼人物与 SE 经典 RPG 最终幻想系列登场人物于一体的《王国之心》系列,让这两波八竿子打不到一起的人气角色碰撞出不一样的火花,这种新鲜的设定自然非常吸引玩家的眼球。FF勇闯迪士尼城堡什么的想想就带感啊!
《王国之心 解放X》 App Store 下载地址
《王国之心 解放X》 Google Play 下载地址
Adventure across Disney’s magical and wondrous worlds in the first mobile app for the beloved KINGDOM HEARTS series! -------------------------------------------- Adventure across Disney worlds! -------------------------------------------- The KINGDOM HEARTS story begins here! Meet faces both familiar and new as you become the hero of your very own tale! -------------------------------------------- Fight alongside an all-star cast! -------------------------------------------- Tap and swipe to execute mighty attacks! Equip character Medals featuring beloved Disney and FINAL FANTASY characters to call on their strength in battle! Customize your equipment and find new strategies to overcome fierce enemies! -------------------------------------------- Many ways to play! Play with up to 6 friends in real-time multiplayer quests! -------------------------------------------- Cooperate with friends to explore stages and tackle fearsome foes! Unlock the Coliseum by playing through the story quests and compete against others to climb the ranks! -------------------------------------------- Express yourself with customizable avatars! -------------------------------------------- An ever-growing selection of parts lets you make your very own avatar! Let your creativity run free as you choose from seasonal, event, and character-themed avatar parts to put together a unique look![详情]