


超级部落汉化版(Super Tribes)是一款画面场景精致细腻,玩法模式操作自由,融入策略类玩法的部落对战手游。在这里,玩家可以建造自己想象的部落城市,也可以不断攻破一个个部落,来拓展所掠夺的部落。非常值得一玩。 超级部落汉化版游戏特色: 1、关于统治世界,邪恶的战斗AI部落,发现新的土地和掌握新技术的游戏。 2、自动生成的地图让每款游戏的全新体验,具有无限的传播价值。 3、挑选和不同部落之间进行选择。徘徊在巴杜里亚黑暗寒冷的森林,探索潮湿的丛林Kickoo或索赔夺魂帝国的郁郁葱葱的领域。 超级部落汉化版更新日志: 版本:v1.7.0  日期:2017年03月30日 This is a major update that balances the gameplay by adding and modifying units and technologies. Lots of new fun things to play with! -a new technology, PHILOSOPHY, enters the tech tree and introduces the MIND BENDER UNIT that can flip any enemy unit to your team. -You can now upgrade your boats to ships and if you are really rich you can evolve them further into mighty BATTLE SHIPS for 15 stars. -Added the ability to DIBAND UNITS and DESTOY BUILDINGS to the tech tree. -The KNIGHTS now have the ability to attack sevERAl weak units in a row, clearing the field of enemies. -The attack of the CATAPULTS have been balanced to provide better gameplay. -You can now add COMPUTER CONTROLLED PLAYERS to pass & play. -A new MAP GENERATOR will create more diverse worlds. 版本:v1.6.2  日期:2017年03月10日 Removed a black hole that swallowed some of the first time users (thats very rude) 版本:v1.6.1  日期:2017年01月25日 This is a patch that solves a lot of bugs and improve performance. -Improved memory handling to reduce crashes. -Improved route calculations to minimise lag when building roads and harbours. Fixed bugs:  -loading a game end up in the wrong tribe  -some domination games claiming you lost when you actually won  -some players stop earning stars in multiplayer games Follow @midjiwan on Twitter or Instagram for fresh news and secret tricks. 版本:v1.4.1  时间:2016年08月10日 This is a tiny update. -fixes a bug that caused some players to lose their data and purchased tribes If you ever lose any of your purchased tribes, just tap the "Restore purchases" button in the tribe picker screen 版本:v 1.3  日期: 2016年06月23日 -A new tribe has appeared! Vengir are really dark and aggressive, cast out on the unpleasant wastelands equipped with sharp swords! -Major UI improvements -Better map generation logic -Even easier easy mode Tags: 超级部落中文版超级部落汉化版超级部落修改版[详情]

