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发布时间:2016-12-26 11:14在今年年初,麦当劳推出纸盒VR设备,后又与《精灵宝可梦GO》合作成为道馆。现在另一个卖汉堡的快餐店汉堡王也开始“折腾”了,近日汉堡王在南非推出了该公司首款AR游戏《捍卫国王(Defend The King)》,计划于明年上线。汉堡王AR游戏《捍卫国王》计划于明年上架该游戏会同时免...[详情]
前有麦当劳今有汉堡王 快餐业大佬再推AR游戏《捍卫国王》
发布时间:2016-12-23 17:38自从今年VR概念被炒得火热后,除了游戏和成人行业外,没想到对此最为热衷的竟然是八竿子也打不着的快餐业前有麦当劳推出纸盒VR设备,后又与《精灵宝可梦GO》合作成为道馆。如今快餐业又一大佬汉堡王也在南非推出自家AR游戏《捍卫国王》(Defend The King)。喵喵喵还能好好卖汉...[详情]
A burger-serving game is coming now for your best enjoyment in a free version with the Magma Mobile’s touch! You are hired in a chain restaurant to serve clients as fast as possible to earn money and even tips for yourself. Take orders from your customers and make a recipe among sandwiches, garnishes, desserts and sodas. The more you will play, the more ingredients will appear in the fast-food ! Take up the challenge and try the Career Mode to cope with a higher difficulty each day of the year! Work from Monday to Saturday and reach your goal to get more money and new ingredients for the service. Then if you are a great employee, you will even unlock a lot of achievements! Time is money! Try also to do your best in the Time Attack Mode to collect a maximum of coins within the time limit! This time management game will definitely entertain and challenge you and your family! Game Features - A whole lot of different ingredients like bread, meat and lettuce - More than 300 levels and 40 achievements for burger’s maniac - Many side dishes like ice creams, french fries and muffins - Share your creation with the gallery So come play Burger and become the master king of burgers![详情]