
  • 《四川血战麻将》脱胎换骨大更新

    发布时间:2016-05-04 17:53

    微软雅黑宋体 微软雅黑, 微软雅黑亲爱的 微软雅黑, 微软雅黑《四川血战麻将》 微软雅黑玩家们大家好,期待已久的更新终于到来, 微软雅黑, 微软雅黑维护更新是一种态度BUG必须修正产品必须优化 微软雅黑, 微软雅黑本次更新的主要内容有 微软雅黑, 微软雅黑, sans...[详情]

  • 《四川血战麻将》地方麻将代表作,元月火爆开测!

    发布时间:2016-01-11 17:48

    微软雅黑 微软雅黑《四川血战麻将》采用四川地区流行的麻将打法,尤其是成都及周边比较盛行的打法。核心是打缺门,刮风下雨,成牌计番,流局查卫生查花猪。同时,我们还提供血战模式,让大家打得激烈尽兴。 微软雅黑 微软雅黑 微软雅黑在广大的玩家的热情支持下,《四川血战麻将》。将于2016...[详情]


四川麻将,又称血战麻将,采用四川地区流行的麻将打法,尤其是成都及周边比较盛行。核心是打缺门,刮风下雨,成都计番,流局查叫。一局牌中,一家胡牌并不结束牌局,而是未胡的玩家继续打,直到3家胡牌或剩余的玩家流局。这样先胡的玩家并不一定获利最多,点炮的玩家也能翻身,提高了趣味性,促进了牌局的稳定发展。牌局结束,一并结算。 Sichuan Mahjong, also called bloody battle Mahjong, is a kind of Mahjong prevailing in the province of Sichuan, especially in downtown Chengdu and its surrounding areas. In traditional Mahjong with a set of 108 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, each player begins by receiving thirteen tiles. In turn players draw and discard tiles until they complete a legal hand using the fourteenth drawn tile to form four groups (melds) and a pair (head). In Sichuan Mahjong however, completing a legal hand doesn't mean the finishing of the game, but requires the remaining losing players to continue playing until all the three remaining players have won. In that case, the one who wins first doesn't mean earning the most credits or money. It is more interesting and makes players composed in playing. Th settlement is done after all is[详情]