TURKEY's best word game... One of our favorite game which played on Oyunzade.com and on Facebook now on the google play and its all free With your android phone enjoy playing against hundreds of thousands of Facebook and oyunzade users How to play * First player gets 22 letters * You have to construct words with at least 4 character and 15 characters max * You can check the words you build if they are exist on our dictionary by clicking on the check it out button. * Verified words get highlighted blue. * If the word does not exist on our dictionary, words background becomes red. * You get point according to size of the word and the letter's point * Table point is default to 101 you have to pass that in order to open your words on the table. * In difficult version of the game you have to pass the point of the last player who opened his words * If the last letter is joker or if you finish all the letters and open your words before anyone else you hit the jackpot * Our word 101 game is one of its kind. It is uniqe. It has no match. Game is played online with real players all around the world. Not only you have fun with playing the game you also find new friends all around the world. As soon as you start playing the game you get lots of chips ,all free! You can either join with your oyunzade account or your Facebook acount. If you do not have Facebook or oyunzade account, do not worry you can play as a guest. Inside the game you can click sign up button and get Oyunzade membership and enjoy oynzade opportunities. With the friends you get In the game, you can widen your social circle. If you are novice you can play by clicking play now button. By clicking saloon you can pick the saloon you want to play in. By using create new table button you can create new table and you can invite your friends to your game or anyone on the saloon. it is up to you. PRIVATE CHAT With your old friends or with new friends you find in the game, you can open new private window and have private chat. You can enjoy privilege. PUBLIC CHAT You can open public chat panel and have conversation with everybody on that saloon. Your recommendations are very important for us. Please share with us all your opinions about the game. Inform us about the problems you encounter. You can reach us at zadece@gmail.com. You can see the latest news about us at www.oyunzade.com. Follow us there. oyunzade.com owns the games Cank Pisti, Batak, Okey, 101, Banko, Tavla. All the rights are reserved by oyunzade.com[详情]
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