歡迎來到《沙灘排球》全球挑戰賽!在這裡,你可以自由打造隊伍,挑戰來自不同國家的球隊,全球沙灘之巔,等待你征服!精美的沙灘海岸,可以隨意搭配培養的人物,操作簡單卻又激情四射的比賽,時刻挑逗著你的神經!陽光,沙灘,比基尼,你還在等待什麼?快來加入我們火熱的沙灘排球比賽之中吧! 遊戲特色: - 自由組建、培養隊伍,還可以更換球員膚色 - 多種服裝和髮型隨心搭配 - 數十個可選國家,並為每個國家精心定制了隊服 - 突破性的滑屏玩法,一根手指,享受一場比賽 - 精美的沙灘場景與角色建模,給你最真實的感受 --- The sun is shining on the sand court. It’s time to play the most realistic 3D volleyball game everybody’s talking about! Capture the spotlight and build your legacy in the most authentically competitive volleyball game on the planet. Experience pure beach volleyball fun and compete with other national teams to win Olympic gold medals. You have full control over your player with manual serving, passing and ashing. Swipe your finger to send the ball flying in the direction you want now! Game Features: - Impressive visuals and great animations - Challenge mode and quick game mode - Simple yet powerful touch controls with timing control[详情]