Deep Sea Evolution is a small game about evolving microbes. It was developed during the Game-Development Competition Ludum Dare 24. The theme was evolution. If you are interested to see how this game was built look at It's not a really finished and polishe game but it is playable. The Mobile Controls were added after the Competition ended. Gameplay: You start with a microbe level 1 and need to connect with other creatures/microbes that have the same level as you. If you have at least 5 connected microbes you can evolve to a higher level. Evolve using the button. Evolving can trigger mutations. If you have more microbes than 5 connected when evolving you have a higher chance to get mutations. Mutations can be either color change, speed change, max feed amount or microbe type change. If you reach at least level 2 you can start feeding of smaller microbes to lower your starve rate. But be aware of microbes that are bigger than you. If they are only sightly bigger they will eat microbes away from your collected ones. If they are much higher they will instantly feed off you and you die. If you reach level 20 you win the game. 【基本信息】 作者:Google Play提供 更新时间:2014-08-27 版本:1.0 系统:Android 3.0.x以上 语言:其他[详情]
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