Portal Quest游戏攻略
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Portal Quest怎么玩 门户任务玩法技巧分享
发布时间:2017-07-24 18:47Portal Quest怎么玩有哪些玩法技巧呢下面就分享门户任务玩法技巧给大家,希望这篇攻略对小伙伴们有所帮助。Portal Quest怎么玩 门户任务玩法技巧分享《门户任务》是一款角色扮演冒险手游,但同时也有很强的收集元素。在游戏当中,玩家需要召集各种不同的英雄,集结自己的专属...[详情]
Portal Quest is a 2D portal based puzzle game. Learn to think with portals in order to get your cute little dragon to the treasure in each level. The game includes 45 free levels and another 45 that you can purchase for $1.99.How to play:- Tap to open portals.- Press play to send your little dragon running.- If you don't reach the gold, move your portals around and try again.[详情]