丰富场景+全新道具 《愤怒的小鸟季节版》更新

作者:来源:三省网发布时间:2013-03-14 15:00
继《愤怒的小鸟里约版》 (愤怒的小鸟里约版)更新后,《愤怒的小鸟季节版》在今天也更新了,看来Rovio最近非常积极啊!新版本的《愤怒的小鸟季节版》内容丰富,游戏中已经包含了“春节版”、“夏日猪餐”、“万圣节版”、“情人节版”、“中秋节版”、“圣帕特里克节版”(又称三叶草版)、“校园版”、“复活节版”、和“圣诞节版”。
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更新版本中还包括三个新的可提升能量的[宝物]:Sling Scope(镭射瞄准)、Super Seed(超级种子)以及一个十分重要的新成员——Homing Bird。在游戏中,一旦有捣蛋猪进入其感应区域,这位“猎猪”英雄将以导弹之势冲向并摧毁它们!


Join the Angry Birds as they celebrate unique seasonal events from around the world! Enjoy the addictive physics-based Angry Birds gameplay you love, but with an exciting seasonal twist. For the latest update, a lone slingshot rises to answer the Viking Pigs’ call for battle in a new advent style episode: Ragnahog! LATEST EPISODE: Ragnahog Play a new Viking-themed level from Dec. 1st through the 25th. – 25 new levels + 2 new Golden Egg Levels! – Terence’s Nordic cousin Tony visits for the holidays! – New quests and achievements! In addition to the Ragnahog chapter, download and enjoy: - 31 THEMED EPISODES (plus cool bonus stuff)! - 925+ LEVELS of pig-popping action! - UNIQUE POWER-UPS that give you the edge in tricky levels! - SURPRISE EGGS! Collect Four Stars (yes. FOUR!) in four hand picked classic levels during the week and hatch a surprise egg full of prizes just in time for The Pig Challenge! - THE PIG CHALLENGE! Unique weekend tournaments where you and your friends can see who's the best bird flinger! It's like Pig Days, but with friends! With over 2 billion downloads, Angry Birds is the most popular mobile game series of all time. Join the global phenomenon![详情]

