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《特拉之战 Terra Battle》“最终幻想”系列之父坂口博信新开工作室MISTWALKER制作的一款魔幻类RPG类游戏。游戏为玩家展示了一个酷炫的魔法世界。“Mega”、“Giga”和“Terra”分别为游戏中的三种魔法,“特拉”(Terra)系为最强大的魔法。游戏的战斗设定在一个 8X6 的网格当中,目的只有一个:就是将所有出现在这里的敌人全都干掉!玩家将有4秒钟的时间自由移动。一旦微型交易开启,玩家就能够购买“能量”(Energy),用于恢复自身活力,“能量”还可用来化解敌方的消除魔法。
《看图说戏》第九期:虚荣掀手游MOBA风潮 国内斗魂不甘示弱
An encounter that will tear away the veil shrouding the world's secrets and set the gears of fate in motion... *Maneuver your characters freely to outflank your enemies. Move units freely around a grid-based map to flank the enemy, striking from both sides in a pincer attack. *Eradicate multiple foes in one fell swoop with chain attacks. Characters can be positioned to execute chain attacks with allies. Take advantage of bonus items on the map as well to obliterate your foes! *Customize characters strategically via jobs and skills. Characters can undergo three types of job changes. Acquire new skills and combine them to create characters that best fit your play style. *Experience an expansive game world with hundreds of battle maps and hundreds of friends and foes. A myriad of richly distinctive and diverse foes will confront you on a variety of battle maps. Prevail against them to gradually unravel the mysteries of this strange new world. -- *This software includes the work that is distributed in the Apache License 2.0[详情]